

Treasure Hunt in the Data Jungle

For five weeks, the data science student, Martin Huf, worked in city statistics and researched the population development of the past three years in the city of Salzburg as part of his compulsory practical training. The course DataScience in the Wissensstadt Salzburg is unique in Austria and gives the students the necessary tools for working with “Big Data”.

Published on 31 October 2017
Unipark Nonntal

18 October: Expert Day and Lecture: Diversity | Variety – Training Orientation & Professional Choice

The decision for a profession or training marks a point of direction in life. In most cases, this is preceded by a long process. How can this be accompanied and brought to a satisfactory conclusion? Representatives from science and business, as well as experts from schools, youth employment and career guidance discuss this fundamental question.

Published on 23 October 2017
Sala Terrena

18 October: Opening Photo Exhibition “Russia1917 – Snapshots”

The Russlandzentrum of the University of Salzburg, together with partners has organized a series of events “Schwerpunkt Russland 1917” from 18 October until 23 November, 2017.

Published on 23 October 2017