
Projekttreffen Hamburg

2. PEP- Project Meeting in Hamburg

At the beginning of June 2024, the 2nd project meeting took place with a total of 17 researchers from the seven participating institutions focused on working on the data from a Europe-wide survey on multilingual practice in the education system (secondary and higher education). The next steps were also planned.

Published on 12 August 2024
Kurs am Sprachenzentrum

Language Centre Course Programme for the Winter Semester 2024/25

The Language Centre is offering an attractive program once again for the coming winter semester with courses in 12 different languages and many courses with a specific language focus, such as academic German and English and Business English. A new addition to the programme is language learning consultation, which is integrated into the course “Learning languages: individual and diverse “. There are also many extras such as the Language Meetup or the Tandem Language Learning Partnership. The course program is available on the Language Center’s homepage. Course brochures are also available at the Language Centre.

Published on 12 August 2024
Language Meetup | Sprachentreff

PLUS Language Meetup

This academic year, the Language Centre launched a new series of events at the PLUS, the Language Meetup. This gives language lovers the opportunity to expand their language skills, discover new languages and meet interesting people.
We would like to invite you again to take part in the Language Meetup. In the winter semester 2024/25.

Published on 12 August 2024