
Book Presentation: “schreib alles was wahr ist auf” (“write down everything that is true”. The correspondence between Ingeborg Bachmann and Hans Magnus Enzensberger.

On 22 January, 2019, at 19:00 in the Literaturarchiv Salzburg, the remarkable correspondence, the third volume of the Salzburg Bachmann Edition, which was written in the Literaturarchiv, will be presented. Admission is free.

Published on 25 January 2019
Chinesischer Meister unterweist Schüler

16 January: Lecture and Live Music as Part of the Agorá: “History and Present Development of Chinese Folk Music Instruments”

The genesis of many Chinese folk musical instruments can be traced back over a thousand years.

Published on 22 January 2019
Günther E. Thüry Verleihung Professortitel 530x300

Günther E. Thüry Awarded Professional Title “Professor”

By a resolution dated 18 June, 2018, the long-serving lecturer at the Department of Classical Studies at the PLUS, Univ.-Lektor Lic. phil. Dr. h.c. Dr. phil. Günther E. Thüry was awarded the professional title “Professor” by the Federal President.

Published on 22 January 2019