
Blick auf Salzburg in der Nacht (Foto: Simon Haigermoser)

18 January: “Quo vadis homo sapiens?” How will we humans live in the future?

Panel discussion, 19.01.2018, 16:00, Unipark Nonntal, HS Thomas Bernhard (E.001). Afterwards, networking phase in the Foyer in the 1.UG – Following HUMANS

Published on 25 January 2019
Veranstaltungslogo HUMANS

18 January: Event Series, HUMANS

“If you want new answers, you have to ask new questions.” (Johann W. Goethe) – You have the opportunity in Unipark Nonntal, 18.1.2019, 08:00-15:30.

Published on 25 January 2019
N. Hüsing

Nicola Hüsing is Appointed Member of the EURASC (European Academy of Sciences)

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Nicola Hüsing has been honored for her previous scientific work and nominated to the EURASC.

Published on 25 January 2019