

AK Prize for Lorenz Aglas

Dr. Lorenz Aglas, senior scientist of the Working Group Ferreira in the Department of Biosciences, is the winner of the AK-Wissenschaftspreis of the Arbeiterkammer Salzburg.

Published on 30 January 2019
N. Hüsing

Nicola Hüsing is Appointed Member of the EURASC (European Academy of Sciences)

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Nicola Hüsing has been honored for her previous scientific work and nominated to the EURASC.

Published on 30 January 2019
Plakat der Ringvorlesung

21 January – Lecture: Torah and Cross. Politics and Life Worlds. Jewish Identity Formations and Jewish-Christian Boundaries in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Period

Mon 21.1.2019, 17:15, HS E.001 (Unipark) – Dr. Louise Hecht (Vienna, Potsdam) – Inclusion and Exclusion Strategies of the Jewish Enlightenment (Haskalah)

Published on 25 January 2019