
Foto Preisverleihung Statistik Austria in Wien

Prize for Innovative Statistics Master’s Thesis

On 24 October, Victoria Racher was awarded the “Förderpreis der Österreichischen Statististischen Gesellschaft” by Statistics Austria in Vienna for her Master’s thesis on “Nonparametric Approaches to Approximate Bayesian Computation”.

Published on 11 November 2019
Fotonachweis: Petra Spiola

Recognition of Lifetime Achievement

The Salzburg communication scientist, Elisabeth Klaus, was awarded the Gabriele Possanner Award for her life’s work yesterday, Tuesday, 5 November, 2019. The award ceremony took place in the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research in Vienna. The laudatory speech was given by Professor Nikolaus Benke from the University of Vienna.

Published on 11 November 2019
Fotonachweis: Kolarik

Farewell Celebration for Political Scientist, Sonja Puntscher Riekmann

Sonja Puntscher Riekmann (65), Professor of Political Theory and Politics at the University of Salzburg, retired this fall. As the founder of the key focus area of European Studies, with her ideas, her energy, her international cooperation and contacts, she played a significant role in shaping the university. On 4 November, 2019, the university held a celebration in her honor. In a conversation, she looks back at what has been achieved and what is ahead.

Published on 11 November 2019