
Bild Newsmeldung FREUND

7 February: Guest Lecture: Conformational and Compositional Dynamics of Peptide-MHCII Complexes

Christian Freund will give a guest lecture on the topic “Conformational and compositional dynamics of peptide-MHCII complexes” on 7 February, 2019 at 13:15 in HS 403 of the NW-Faculty.
The Department of Life Sciences invites you to attend!

Published on 14 February 2019
Thomas Stöggl

FFG K Project (COMET) Digital Motion in Sports, Fitness and Wellbeing Started at the End of 2018

At the IFFB Sport and Exercise Science, the research focus is “Sports Technology – Digital Sports” under the leadership of Assoz. Prof. Dr. Thomas Stöggl together with Prof. Dr. Hermann Schwameder and Prof. Dr. Erich Müller has been launched.

Published on 14 February 2019

6 February: Book Presentation: “Eine Spurensuche – KZ-Außenlager in Salzburg und Oberösterreich als Lernorte”

Former so-called main camps such as Mauthausen now not only serve as memorial sites, but also serve as valuable educational institutions, primarily through an extensive tour program. Smaller sub-camps, on the other hand, often remain largely excluded from collective memory, as well as from pedagogical treatment of the Nazi era.

Published on 14 February 2019