
Photo-Credit: Magdalena Lepka


Opening of further library locations, extended opening times and news about communication zones for die online learning in the university library. i

Published on 16 December 2020
Scientrepreneur Compact

Scientrepreneur Compact

Extended application period until 10th October 2020.

Published on 16 December 2020
Sweet Spot

Sweet Spot. Lounge for Electroacoustic Music: VISUAL MUSIC

TUES 13th October 2020, 19:30 , Atelier im KunstQuartier, Bergstr. 12a, Salzburg.
The SWEET SPOT series sees itself as a forum for classical and completely new productions of electroacoustic music in Salzburg. Pieces of the genre are heard and discussed with one another. Each concert is accompanied by a short introduction and the opportunity to exchange ideas about what has been heard.

Published on 16 December 2020