
Plakat Ringvorlesung

7 November: Lecture Series “The Spänglers”

In WS 2016/17, the Department of History has organized the lecture series “Die Spänglers. Eine Salzburger Kaufmannsfamilie des 18. Jahrhunderts”. The lectures are held on Mondays from 17:15 to 18:45, HS 380, Rudolfskai 42. All interested persons are welcome! Next date: 7 November, Prof. Reinhold Reith, Economic, Social and Environmental History on the theme “Familie, Haushalt und Handlungen – Akteure, Netzwerke und Strategien”.

Published on 08 November 2016
Nicolò Boldrini nach Titian: sog. „Affenlaokoon

4 November: Polemic Constellations. Classicism and Anti-classicalism in the “Long” 19th Century

Workshop in Kunstquartier / Science & Art (Atelier, 1st floor, Bergstrasse 12a, Start time: 11.00h)

Published on 08 November 2016
Foto DSP-Kolleg Biomolecules (Foto: Hans Christian Gruber)

Successful kick-off event of the Doctoral College, “Biomolecules – Structure, Function and Regulation”

Presented to the public in the Auditorium of the Grünen Hörsaal on 17 October, the opening ceremony of the new Doctorate School PLUS course “Biomolecules: structure, function and regulation” was filled to capacity.

Published on 08 November 2016