

21 November: Work Anytime and Anywhere… Mobile Work and its Consequences

The annual interdisciplinary Fachtagung des Wissensnetzwerks Recht, Wirtschaft und Arbeitswelt will take place on Thursday, 21 November, 2019, on the topic, “Work Anytime and Anywhere… Mobile Work and its Consequences” at the Edmundsburg.

Published on 25 November 2019
Gastvortrag Richard Fletcher

21 November: Guest Lecturer, R. Fletcher

The FB KoWi cordially invites you to attend a guest lecture on “How News Use is Changing Across the World”. Richard Fletcher – Reuters Institute, University of Oxford.

Published on 25 November 2019

Wednesday, 20 November: Opening of the EXHIBITION “The collage as an interface of disparate levels” Part II

The exhibition’s VERNISSAGE will take place on Wed., 20 November, 2019, 18:30, in the Raum für Kunst in the KunstQuartier, Bergstr. 12a. EXHIBITION DATES: 21 November, 2019 – 31st January, 2020.

Published on 25 November 2019