

Media, Text and Travel

16-17 March 2023 | online: First joint online symposium on Media, Text and Travel, to be co-hosted in March 2023 by PLUS and the University of Melbourne.

Published on 13 March 2023
FOR APAC Lecture Series Agorá

FOR APAC Lecture Series Agorá

15 March 2023 | in presence and online: Dr. Aimi Muranaka ( Institute of East-Asian Studies at the University of Duisburg-Essen) and Dr. Joohyun Justine Park (Goethe University Frankfurt) lecture about “Unlocking Potential: A Comparison of Labour Market Integration of Skilled Migrants in South Korea and Japan”.

Published on 06 March 2023
Katholisch Theologische Fakultät

Zen, Ecodharma and the interreligious cooperation

On Monday, 6 March 2023 | in presence: At the Catholic Theological Faculty a public lecture takes place followed by a discussion. Lecturer is the American Zen Master Chigan-kutsu Kyo-on Dokuro.

Published on 28 February 2023