
ToM Kinderlabor: Bewegungs-Studie

Blickbewegungs-Studie des ToM Kinderlabor

Das ToM Kinderlabor des Fachbereichs Psychologie der Paris Lodron Universität Salzburg lädt Eltern mit ihren Kindern im Alter von 12 bis 30 Monaten zur Teilnahme an einer interessanten Blickbewegungs-Studie ein.

Published on 22 July 2021
Bild Schmetterlin Parnassius apollo

No room at the top

A European team, led by Jan Christian Habel from the Paris Lodron University Salzburg (PLUS), has studied the distribution of mountain butterflies in the Austrian state of Salzburg. In their study, published in the nature journal “Scientific Reports”, the scientists show that the mountain butterflies have migrated an average of more than 300 metres in altitude over the last 60 years.

Published on 20 July 2021
Innenansicht Stiegenhaus und Lift Unipark

Virtual Tour Unipark

In the so-called “virtual 3D tour”, anyone can explore the Unipark building via smartphone, tablet or computer. Not only is it possible to look around in the virtual spaces, but additional information, links and videos have been placed at various “highlights” to provide users with a more detailed information.

Published on 19 July 2021