
Bild: ©Franto Andreas Uhl - Kopfgeburten (2014)

20 March: Invitation to the Book Presentation by Walter Thaler

After his two books about Pinzgau, Walter Thaler has returned to his favorite topic – the Province.
He traces the path of life and suffering of more than 60 personalities who come from the Pongau or who have spent or suffered a significant part of their lives here.

Published on 21 March 2019
Chinesischer Meister unterweist Schüler

20 March: Lecture by Prof. Schottenhammer in the Agorá “China and the Viceroyalty of Peru in the Early Modern Period – Some Comments on China’s Indirect Trans-Pacific Relations”

The early modern trans-Pacific relations are best known for the famous Manila galleons, which crossed the Pacific between Manila and Acapulco at regular intervals between 1565 and 1915. Large quantities of South American silver, e.g. from the mines in Potosí, then flowed to China via the Philippines. But not only silk found its way to Latin America in exchange. The talk will give some insights into the diverse, indirect relations between China and the Viceroyalty of Peru.

Published on 21 March 2019

20 March: What is good literature? Discussion about a diabolically simple question.

At 19:00 on 20 March, 2019, Lydia Mischkulnig, Kurt Neumann and Anton Thuswaldner will talk about “What is good literature?”. Moderation: Manfred Mittermayer, Concept: Alfred Winter. Admission is free.

Published on 21 March 2019