
Newsmeldung Apfelbeck

25 October – Lecture: Maternal Investment Strategies of a Cooperative Breeding Forest Specialist in Degraded Cloud Forest Fragments

Dr. Beate Apfelbeck will give a guest lecture on the topic of “Maternal investment strategies of a cooperative breeding forest specialist in degraded cloud forest fragments” at 14:00 on 25 October, 2019, in the Hörsaal 413 of the NW-Faculty. The Department of Life Sciences invites you to attend!

Published on 29 October 2019

24 October: W & K FORUM: Handkes Prize. Literature and Llfe

On the podium: Christoph Bartmann, Germanist, literary critic and author, Warsaw; Mascha Dabić, author and translator, Vienna; Evelyne Polt-Heinzl, Germanist, literary critic and curator, Vienna – Moderation: Karin Buttenhauser, ORF Salzburg – THURSDAY, 24 OCTOBER, 2019 I 20:15, Unipark Nonntal Erzabt-Klotz-Str. 1, HS E.002 (Agnes Muthspiel), 5020 Salzburg.

Published on 29 October 2019
Rechtswissenschaftliche Fakultät an der Universität Salzburg

24 October, Salzburg Social and Medical Law Days: Implementation of the Reorganization of Social Insurance

On 24.10.2019, the Salzburg Social and Medical Law Days, which were launched in the previous year in cooperation between the Federation of Austrian Social Security Institutions and the Department of Labor and Economic Law of the University of Salzburg, will take place for the second time. The aim of this series of events is the discussion of current social security issues from the perspective of science and practice.

Published on 29 October 2019