
Gastvortrag Homann

9 November.: Guest Lecture “Verderben Wettbewerb und Gewinnstreben die Moral?”

On Wednesday, 9 November, 2016, a guest lecture by Prof. Dr. Dr. Karl Homann will take place in HS 206, Churfürststraße 1, 1st floor, from 10:00 – 11.30.

Published on 10 November 2016

9 November: “10 Years, Joint Degree Bachelor Engineering Sciences”

In 2006 the Bachelor’s degree in engineering sciences, in cooperation with the Technical University of Munich at the University of Salzburg, was introduced as a result of the increasing demand for high-quality university graduates who are technically and scientifically advanced. The Department of Chemistry and Physics of Materials invites you to an anniversary event in the AUDIMAX of the NW Faculty on 9 November, 2016.

Published on 10 November 2016
Empfang der Religionen - Jesiden

9 November: 6th Reception of Religions – Focus: Jesiden

The reception will take place on Wednesday, 9 November, 2016, at the Faculty of Catholic Theology, Universitätsplatz 1 (Salzburg), at 18:15 in the Kollegienkirche (Religionsverbindende Prayer – designed by the Afro-Asian Institute Salzburg) 19:00 Reception in HS 101 of the Faculty of theology (Universitätsplatz 1, EG)

Published on 10 November 2016