„Der Nutzer macht das Programm“
Der Kommunikationswissenschafter Thomas Steinmaurer sprach mit den SN über klassische und neue Formen des Fernsehens.
Call for Presentations / Call for Papers International Conference “Rethinking Social Capital” March 26-‐27, 2015, Salzburg/Austria
The Centre for Ethics and Poverty Research (University of Salzburg), the international research centre for social and ethical questions (ifz Salzburg) & the Social Festival Tu was, dann tut sich was. (Keep the Ball Rolling.) invite contributions for an international conference on social capital.
Gastvortrag: Alain Jacquet, 2nd of February 2015, 5 p.m., Lecture Room Green (HS403)
Title: Recombinant HDM allergens: important tools for their in-depth characterization and the development of new SIT