
Prof. Zheng Poster

FOR APAC Lecture Series Agorá: Mapping Peking 1688-1914

3 November 2023 | online: Before the detailed surveyed map finally established a „standard“ representation of old Peking in the beginning of the 20th century, various city plans of Peking had been produced and published in European languages since the late 17th century. Intelligence gathering, commercial competition, academic pursuit or sheer curiosity drove missionaries, envoys, soldiers, and merchants engaged in making new maps. The development of European plans and Chinese maps were interwoven and closely related to the modernization process of China. Therefore, the evolution of plans of Peking is not only a history of competition in intellectual and military domains, but also a history of cultural exchange. It serves a case study in the broader context of global history.

Veröffentlicht am 25 Oktober 2023
Sarajevo Security Conference

Sarajevo Security Conference

The first Sarajevo Security Conference was held last week.

Veröffentlicht am 25 Oktober 2023
Foto Zwiener- Collins Nadine Zwiener-Collins als Fellow in „Das Junge ZiF“ aufgenommen Nadine Zwiener-Collins, eine Postdoc-Forscherin im Bereich Politik & Geschlecht am Fachbereich Politikwissenschaften, wurde am 1. Oktober 2023 in das renommierte Postdoc-Netzwerk „Das Junge ZiF“ aufgenommen.

Veröffentlicht am 24 Oktober 2023