
Studierende, Gang, Rudolfkai


How can interactive technology help to turn corridors or break rooms in schools into places to meet and connect with very diverse people? The FWF-funded project “DivComp Spaces”, led by Christopher Frauenberger from the HCI at PLUS, is taking on this question.

Published on 26 August 2021
Esther Schönauer

New publication by Esther Schamschula and members of AG Risch

The main outcome of Esthers PhD project, has just appeared online ahead of print: She screened monozygotic twins with cystic fibrosis for differentially methylated regions (Illumina 450K).

Published on 26 August 2021
Michael Leitner, Fabio Richlan

New study on refereeing decisions at ‘ghost games’

A recently published new study by Michael Leiter and Fabio Richlan on the topic of “Referee decisions in ghost matches” has already attracted a lot of media attention, including interest from overseas.

Published on 25 August 2021