
Foto: Universität Salzburg

Reading rooms and open access areas reopen at some library locations

Reading rooms and open access areas will reopen at the following locations from the 1st September 2020:Main Library, Social Sciences Specialist Library, Natural Sciences Specialist Library, Law Faculty Library (Toskanatrakt and Firmian-Salm-Haus), Sport and Movement Sciences Department Library, Unipark Faculty Library.

Published on 16 December 2020
Cover Huelsmann Olliver Strasser Interkomprehension, (c) Waxmann

Publication: Teaching and Learning Competencies for Intercomprehension

The Language Centre has been active in the field of intercomprehension didactics for almost 20 years,Well-known multilingual didactics experts, came together to present the current state of research in this area.The result is the anthology “Lehr- und Lernkompetenzen für die Interkompehension. Perspektiven für die mehrsprachige Bildung (Teaching and Learning Skills for Intercomprehension. Perspectives for Multilingual Education)”Band 10 der Salzburger Reihe zur Lehrer/innen/bildung.

Published on 16 December 2020
Foto: Pixabay

CoViD-19 and the Media: Destruction or Renaissance?

News media have been part of the critical infrastructure during the CoViD-19 pandemic. Governments around the world are helping the media financially, but are not taking the opportunity to make structural reforms. Whilst the advertising based business model of much of the media is breaking down, many people appreciate their reporting and trust in the media is growing again.

Published on 16 December 2020