
Karl-Markus Gauß - Foto: Marco Riebler

7 October: Invisible Places on the Edges of Europe

Karl-Markus Gauss reads for socially disadvantaged children in Romania. The Salzburg writer Karl-Markus Gauss has been dealing with the lives of Roma in Eastern Europe for decades. In a dialogue with Michael König, Managing Director of Diakoniewerk Salzburg, he talks about his experiences on this evening.

Published on 10 October 2019
Fotonachweis: Simon Haigermoser

Orientation Days and Welcome for First Semester Students

The orientation days for first semester students at the University of Salzburg will take place from 24 to 26 September in the Großen Universitätsaula. This Tuesday, they opened with the “Welcome Day” in cooperation with the city and province of Salzburg.

Published on 10 October 2019
Rektor Schmidinger - Foto: Scheinast

Biodiversity Is Disappearing Faster Than Previously Thought

The destruction of important habitats for plants and animals worldwide is progressing even faster and to a greater extent than previously thought. This is shown by the new study by an international research team in which researchers from the Universities of Salzburg and Hamburg are involved.

Published on 10 October 2019