
Dahms Sven

Publication of the Month April

We proudly announce the Awardee of the Publication of the Month April: Sven DAHMS

Veröffentlicht am 09 Mai 2022

10.05.2022 – Gastvortrag: „Measurement Uncertainty in Chemistry and Biology: Concepts and Developments“

Wolfhard Wegscheider von der Montanuniversität Leoben hält am 10. Mai 2022 um 17:15 Uhr (online via Webex) einen Gastvortrag zum Thema „Measurement Uncertainty in Chemistry and Biology: Concepts and Developments“

Veröffentlicht am 28 April 2022

Salzburg for Ukraine Scientists

The Department of Biosciences and Medical Biology offers support for displaced Ukrainian scientists, PhD students and technical assistances by the FWF hop-on-grant opportunities for displaced scientists, PhD students and technical assistances.

Veröffentlicht am 07 April 2022