
Meister unterweist seine Schüler

Lecture as Part of the Agorá Series at the Chinese Studies Centre of the PLUS

Prof. Dr. Hans van Ess (Vice President of the Ludwig Maximilians University and Professor at the Institute for Sinology) with the topic “New Confucianism in the 21st Century” on Tuesday, 19 January, 2021 at 6:00 pm.

Published on 26 February 2021
Plakat Tagung

Invitation to the Conference: “Narrative of a Successful Democracy? History – Politics – Law”

INTERDISCIPLINARY CONGRESS under the leadership of Reinhard Heinisch, Reinhard Klaushofer, Christoph Kühberger and Margit Reiter

Published on 26 February 2021
Foto: Fachbereich - Acryl auf Holz by Martha Isabel

Call for Papers: 100 Years of Paulo Freire – Solidarity in a Global Society

Published on 26 February 2021