
Schmitt News_en

26.03.: Guest lecture: Understanding butterflies: insights in their ecology and conservation

On March 26th 2021, Prof. Dr. Thomas Schmitt will hold a talk on “Understanding butterflies: insights in their ecology and conservation”. It will take place at 2 pm via Webex. The Department of Biosciences cordially invites all listeners!

Published on 22 March 2021
Ausschnitt Coverbild

A Companion to Contemporary British and Irish Poetry 1960-2015

Our department is pleased to inform you about a groundbreaking publication by our colleague Wolfgang Görtschacher together with David Malcolm from the SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Warsaw.

Published on 17 March 2021

new publication: Salzburger Theologische Studien 64 – interkulturell 21

new publication: Salzburger Theologische Studien 64 – interkulturell 21

Published on 15 March 2021