

CSRN+, the University’s New Research Network Is Introduced

In cooperation with the Robert Jungk Library and the Province of Salzburg (Salzburg 2050), PLUS presented its new research network CSRN+ on 6 November. The network, which stands for “Climate Change and Sustainability Research Network PLUS”, has over 50 members whose research focuses on climate change, environmental protection and sustainability.

Published on 16 November 2017
Gianluca Canettieri

The Hedgehog Metabolism: An Achilles Heel for Tumors?

Gianluca Canettieri will give a guest lecture on “The Hedgehog Metabolism: An Achilles Heel for Tumors?” Date: 13 November, 2017. Time: 16:00. Location: Grünen Hörsaal (403) of the NW-Faculty. The Department of Molecular Biology cordially invites you!

Published on 15 November 2017
©Hubert Auer

14 November: Invitation to a Book Presentation

»In Stein gemeißelt – Salzburger Barockinschriften erzählen« – Christoph Brandhuber and Maximilian Fussl persue the traces of the past. The path leads through Alt- and Lodronstadt up to the gates to Hellbrunn and Maria Plain.

Published on 15 November 2017