
Voteswiper Screenshot

An Electoral Aid Tool for the 2019 European Elections

In cooperation with the University of Freiburg, the University of Salzburg is bringing the digital election aid “WahlSwiper” for the first time to Austria for the upcoming European elections.

Published on 04 June 2019
Zeirtifikatsverleihung c Harald Schlossko

On the Occasion of the International Day of the Family …

In the fall of last year, our university passed the “college and family” audit. In January, the Federal Minister for Women, Families and Youth, Dr. Juliane Bogner-Strauß, recognized the certification of the PLUS as a family-friendly university.

Published on 04 June 2019
Reinhard Rublack

Reinhard Rublack (1930 – 2019)

On 27 April, Ass. Prof. i. R. Dr. Reinhard Rublack passed away. Reinhard Rublack came in the pioneering phase of the University of Salzburg as a graduate theologian (studies, inter alia, Rudolf Bultmann) with Professor Rudolf Gönner from Saarbrücken to the (then) Institute for Education. As early as 1970 he completed his second degree with the interdisciplinary humanities dissertation on “The educational political trend of the ‘Salzburger Intelligenzblatt’ 1784 – 1806.”

Published on 04 June 2019