
Preisträger Prof. R. Heinisch und NR-Präsidentin D. Bures

Political Scientist, Reinhard Heinisch, Received a Lifetime Achievement Award

Reinhard Heinisch received the 2017 Science Award from the Margaretha Lupac Foundation. The Foundation for Parliamentarism and Democracy, which has been set up at the National Council, has been awarding a Democracy Prize and a Science Prize each year since 2004. The award was presented on Monday evening in Vienna.

Published on 16 November 2017
A. Spatzier

Best Paper Award for Astrid Spatzier (IFFB Sport Science and Kinesiology)

For the study, “Public Relations and Education Communication: Is Creativity the Opposite of Knowledge? Effects of Knowledge Transfer on the Mediation of Creativity. An Austrian Empirical Study Comparing Three Education Types”, Astrid Spatzier (IFFB Sport- und Bewegungswissenschaft) and Jessica Breu (Master Graduate KoWi) received the Best Paper Award 2017.

Published on 16 November 2017
Universität Salzburg

Introduction of New Professors at the University of Salzburg

Five new professors were appointed to the University of Salzburg in the winter semester 2017/18: Christoph Kühberger, History; Reinhard Klaushofer and Andras Jakab, both Public Law; John Dunlop, Chemistry and Materials Physics; and Kyoko Shinozaki, Political Science and Sociology. The two well-deserved retired professors, Wolfgang Schuhmacher and Harald Stolzlechner, retired on 30 September, 2017.

Published on 16 November 2017