

PLUS: INNER GARDEN. POST.SHUT.DOWN.SOUND.SCAPE, Miniatures and Small Pieces from the Isolation: Mirabell Gardens Salzburg

In the middle of May 2020, when the first possible relaxation of the Corona measures became apparent for outdoor events, the SWEET SPOT-Team set about developing a concept for a sound installation in Mirabell Gardens. This will be implemented publicly in compliance with the current regulations and made available to a wider audience.

Published on 02 July 2020
Logo Spaengler

The Expenditure Books of the Salzburg Merchant Family the Spänglers from 1733 to 1785 – Online

As part of a research cooperation between the Department of Economic, Social and Environmental History of the History Department of the University of Salzburg and Salzburg City Archives, four housekeeping books belonging to Salzburg’s cloth and silk trader Franz Anton Spängler from 1733 to 1785 have been transcribed and analysed.

Published on 02 July 2020
Foto: Uni Salzburg

The Learning Platform Blackboard is being Upgraded

Due to the Corona crisis teaching is taking place via e-learning –a challenge for the learning platform Blackboard. That is why it is now being technically upgraded.

Published on 02 July 2020