
uni salzburg

University of Salzburg’s four new research projects have acquired more than 1.2 million euros in funding from the EU

What state-of-the-art technologies can be used to improve natural disaster management? What about gender equality in European politics? How might a democracy-proof media system of the future be designed? What can be done about the effects of climate change on cultural heritage monuments?

Published on 10 October 2022
Dötterl Stefan und Schubert Mario

From foe to friend

An international team of researchers including Florian Etl and Jürg Schönenberger from the University of Vienna, Stefan Dötterl and Mario Schubert from the University of Salzburg, and Oliver Reiser and Christian Kaiser from the University of Regensburg, have for the first time succeeded in providing evidence for an important hypothesis on the evolution and diversity of animal pollination.

Published on 06 October 2022
Karin Klieber

Karin Klieber’s PhD thesis

12 October 2022 at 10:00AM | online: Karin Klieber will defend her doctoral thesis “Macroeconomic forecasting in the post-covid era” which is supervised by Professor Dr. Florian Huber. You can join the defense on Zoom:

Published on 05 October 2022