
Foto Coronaregeln

Language Centre: office hours in the winter semester 2021/22

You are welcome to contact us during our regular office hours. Further information on teaching and course organisation can also be found on the intranet of the Language Centre/the VPLUS:

Published on 01 September 2021
Forscherin im Labor

Pill research in Salzburg

Pill research has been underway for years and is now being funded by a prestigious ERC Starting Grant. In a collaboration between the University Hospital for Gynaecology and Obstetrics at Paracelsus Medical Private University Salzburg (PMU) and the Paris Lodron University of Salzburg (PLUS), a comprehensive study is investigating the influence of the pill on women’s brains.

Published on 30 August 2021
Studierende, Gang, Rudolfkai


How can interactive technology help to turn corridors or break rooms in schools into places to meet and connect with very diverse people? The FWF-funded project “DivComp Spaces”, led by Christopher Frauenberger from the HCI at PLUS, is taking on this question.

Published on 26 August 2021