PLUS Department of Economics
What is the impact of tax changes on employment, business investment or international profit shifting activities of firms? What is the role of social security and welfare transfers on labor market outcomes, pension decisions or organization of care? Is the recent increase in inflation permanent or transitory? What happens with mortgage rates if the European Central Bank increases its policy rate? What are the costs and benefits of health measures to circumvent a pandemic? These and many more questions affect households, firms and the society as a whole and are at the core of the research activities of the new PLUS Department of Economics.
new publication: Prof. Rötting
new publication:
Martin Rötting,
Spiritualität vs. Religion.
Eine interreligiöse Beziehungsanalyse.
292 S., paperback, 14,8 x 21 cm,
EOS-Verlag St. Ottilien 2022, ISBN: 978-3-8306-8111-3
Historian receives Paul Rehak Award 2022
Dr Rafał Matuszewski from the Department of Classics (Ancient History) receives the Paul Rehak Award for 2022, awarded by the Lambda Classical Caucus (LCC) of the American Society for Classical Studies.