
Uni Salzburg - Computerwissenschaften

People and technology

Just how much do people and technologies influence each other? Over the next four years, five doctoral students will be investigating this question as part of the “doc.hci: Designing Meaningful Human-Technology Relations” doctoral programme, a project funded by the Austrian Science Fund FWF.

Published on 01 December 2021
EUS students excursion

Call for applications: MA European Union Studies at the SCEUS!

Interested in becoming an EU expert? Get all info on our interdisciplinary Master Programme in European Union Studies and apply now!

Published on 30 November 2021
MRT, Natur- und Lebenswissenschaftliche Fakultät

Half a million euros in funding for excellent research on brain data

The University of Salzburg is to receive 565,000 euros in funding from Land Salzburg for a new digitalisation project on brain data. The interdisciplinary project “Digital Neuroscience Initiative” aims to solve legal and technical problems for the open use of research data (Open Data).

Published on 29 November 2021