

new publication of Prof. Sander

On December 2nd 2021 the magazin “die Furche 48” published an article by Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dr.habil Hans-Joachim Sander with the topic: “Nein sagen müssen, um überhaupt Ja sagen zu können. Sowohl Jan-Heiner Tück als auch Gregor Maria Hoff haben mit ihrer Intention hinsichtlich des “Synodalen Weges” der Kirche recht – und doch stecken sie jeweils in einer Falle. Weiterführung einer Debatte”

Published on 07 December 2021
hofmarcher und hauzenberger

Effects of central bank communication on macroeconomic behavior

Paul Hofmarcher (principal investigator) and Niko Hauzenberger will analyse in a new research project more than 16,000 speeches of European central bankers by combining modern text mining techniques and state-of-the-art time series models. The aim of this project is to measure the effects central bank communication and its transmission channels have on the financial and the real economy. The project is supported financially by the Anniversary Fund of the Österreichische Nationalbank.

Published on 06 December 2021

Winter break Botanical Garden 2021-2022

The PLUS Botanical Garden is now closed to visitors until early April 2022.

Published on 05 December 2021