
Logo TCS4F

Manifesto Pledge for sustainable research in theoretical computer science

We believe that our research community should aim for a significant reduction of carbon emissions and evolve towards more sustainable practices. As an objective, we commit ourselves to reducing our emissions by at least 50% before 2030 relative to pre-2020 levels.

Published on 23 April 2024
“Strategic Responses to Algorithmic Recommendations: Evidence from Hotel Pricing” (c) Management Science 2024

On the strategic interaction of AI advisors and human managers

The paper “Strategic Responses to Algorithmic Recommendations: Evidence from Hotel Pricing” by Daniel Garcia (U Vienna), Juha Tolvanen (U Tor Vergata Rome), and Alexander K. Wagner (PLUS) is now available in Management Science, a top journal for research in Business, Economics and Management. The paper theoretically and empirically studies the strategic interaction between an algorithmic AI advisor that recommends prices and a human manager who sets prices based on the algorithm’s price recommendations in the context of hotel room pricing.

Published on 22 April 2024
51st EATCS International Colloquium on Automata

Two papers from BDAG were accepted to 51st EATCS International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming

Two papers from BDAG were accepted to 51st EATCS International Colloquium on Automata

Published on 18 April 2024