
Publication of the Month November (2016)

We proudly announce the Awardee of the Publication of the Month November (2016): Carmen ABFALTER

Published on 01 December 2016
Philip Hölzl am Lichtmikroskop

“Vocational Practical Days” in the Department of Ecology and Evolution

Within the scope of the “Berufspraktisches Tage”, Philip Hölzl from the New Mittelschule Walserfeld gained insight into the lab activities and the research of the working group of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sabine Agatha.

Published on 30 November 2016
Theresa Kaar

Johanna-Dohnal Prize 2016 for Psychology Graduate

On 21 November, 2016, the Festival of the Ministry of Health and Women in Vienna awarded the winners of the Johanna-Dohnal Prize. Among the winners was Theresa Kaar, BSc MSc, a graduate of the University of Salzburg, Department of Psychology, who was awarded the prize for her Master’s thesis “Thinking women were bad at math impairs early neural processing: Effects of stereotype threat on working memory performance and P300”.

Published on 30 November 2016