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ONLINE: Current research from the FB Psychology … related to COVID-19 / II

A second appointment in the series “Current research from the Department of Psychology … related to COVID-19 / II” will take place on Thursday 17.12.2020, between 16:15 and 17:30.

Published on 11 January 2021
Cover Band Visualisierung

Visualisation Pictures of Knowledge – and Knowledge of Pictures

After “Theatricalization”, “Memorialization” and “Transmedialization”, the 4th volume of the ARGE Kulturelle Dynamiken / Cultural Dynamics at the ÖFG (since 2013) has been published under the direction of Univ.-Prof. Dr. Coelsch-Foisner.

Published on 11 January 2021
Foto: Buchcover

NEW RELEASE: Salzburg’s Year Book for Philosophy 65/2020

This year’s edition of the Salzburg Yearbook for Philosophy, edited by the Philosophy Department at the Catholic Theological Faculty, was recently published. Renowned authors dealt with the topic of ‘personality and freedom’ in 19 contributions.

Published on 11 January 2021