

Ergebnisse der City Nature Challenge 2024

Europaweit Platz 2 für Salzburg

Published on 08 May 2024
Projekttreffen Salzburg

Project “PluriForm (WTZ)”

The Language Centre of the Paris Lodron University Salzburg (PLUS) is part of the STC project “Pluriform” (Approches plurielles dans la formation et l’enseignement dans les EES / Plural approaches in foreign language teaching: training and teaching at universities), which started on 1st January 2024. The first working meeting of the three working groups took place on 5th March at the PLUS.

Published on 30 April 2024
Picture 1 - Nikolaus Fortelny Christoph Bock (c) Klaus Pichler_CeMM

Immune cells in the starting blocks: Being “always ready” is hard work – Nature Immunology paper by Nikolaus Fortelny.

When pathogens invade the body, the immune system must respond immediately to prevent or contain infection. But how do our immune cells stay ready when there is no attacker in sight? Scientists in Vienna and Salzburg have come up with a fascinating explanation: They are stimulated by healthy tissue.

Published on 27 April 2024