

April 6th 2022: 3rd Ulrich Winkler Lecture – Topic: Spiritualität zwischen Religion und Säkularisierung

On Wednesday, April 6th 2022, 16:00 pm the 3rd Ulrich Winkler Lecture will take place at HS 101 of the Catholic-Theological Faculty of the University of Salzburg (Universitätsplatz 1, Salzburg, ground floor). The lecture will be held in German. The lecutrer is Prof. Dr. Andreas Nehring (University of Erlangen) and the topic will be: Spiritualität zwischen Religion und Säkularisierung

Published on 03 February 2022
Constantin Blöchl

Publication of the Month January

We proudly announce the Awardee of the Publication of the Month January: Constantin BLÖCHL

Published on 02 February 2022

April 7th-9th 2022: Conference “Religious Studies in Interfaith Contexts”

Key-note speakers at the conference “Religious Studies in Interfaith Contexts” will be Karsten Lehmann (Tübingen), Paul Hedges (Singapur), Anne Koch (Linz) and Perry Schmidt-Leukel (Münster).
Hosted by Religious Studies Salzburg in cooperartion with the Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Religionswissenschaft.

Published on 01 February 2022