23 – 26 January, 2019: Kathrin Röggla and the “Recherchegespenster”. Realities in Prose and Theater of the Present
INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE // Wed 23.1., 18.30h READING Kathrin Röggla (Berlin): “Revision”, Moderation: Bettina Hering (Leitung Schauspiel, Salzburg Festival) // Thu 24.1., 18.30h W & K FORUM: PODIUM DISCUSSION with Ulrike Hatzer, Hans -Werner Kroesinger, Kathrin Röggla and Christine Umpfenbach. Moderation: Christoph Lepschy // Fri 25.1. 19.00h THEATER “Röggla hat Angst. Ein Trimm-dich-Pfad für Angsthasen”. Theater in the KunstQuartier, Paris-Lodron-Straße 2a // www.w-k.sbg.ac.at/de/kunstpolemik
AK Prize for Lorenz Aglas
Dr. Lorenz Aglas, senior scientist of the Working Group Ferreira in the Department of Biosciences, is the winner of the AK-Wissenschaftspreis of the Arbeiterkammer Salzburg.
Nicola Hüsing is Appointed Member of the EURASC (European Academy of Sciences)
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Nicola Hüsing has been honored for her previous scientific work and nominated to the EURASC.