

19 January – GOinternational: Internships Abroad

Do you know the saying: “Internships abroad – that’s not going to happen; moreover, they are too complicated …” THAT THINKING DOES NOT WORK – it’s not as hard as it looks. Extensive information on 19 January from 15:00 in the Unipark!

Published on 23 January 2017
Unipark - Foto: L. Caputo

17 January: Guest Lecture “What innovative educational development trends should student teachers learn on site?”

Guest lecture with Prof. Karlheinz Gruber in the context of internationalization in teacher training: “Mobility in Student Teachers”.

Published on 23 January 2017
Lehrer mit seinem Schüler

17.1 .: Christina Werum-Wang, M.A .: From Chinese who always smile, and Germans who discuss everything … Clichés and everyday life in German-Chinese coexistence

Certainly, the sum of what is common to all human beings, even beyond the purely biological, is far greater than the differences between them. Nevertheless, it is precisely the differences that are striking, and which sometimes give us trouble—So the Chinese and Germans often rub against each other. But what are the reasons for this?

Published on 23 January 2017