
Dr Kai Hilpert

Billroth-Colloquium Summer Term 2021

We kindly invite you to the next Billroth-Colloquium via Webex on 15th April 2021, 12.30 pm with Kai HILPERT (St. George’s University of London): “SPOT based peptide libraries – a powerful tool to study various biological activities”.

Published on 26 March 2021
Foto: Simone Pokrant vor dem Mikroskop - Fotonachweis: Kolarik

2 million euros for microscope

A Salzburg research group led by Simone Pokrant, a materials scientist, has succeeded in its application for an FFG (Austrian Research Promotion Agency) infrastructure grant, which totals around 2 million euros.

Published on 26 March 2021

PLUS for responsibility in an open society

Science in research and teaching has an outstanding role to play in solving the central problems of our society. Science is necessarily discursive and lives from the diversity of people and positions.

Published on 25 March 2021