
Picture News Fischer

15.03. – Guest lecture: Evolutionary genomics in the Alpine and Holarctic Silene acaulis species complex

On the 15th of March 2019, Dr. Martin C. Fischer will give a guest lecture on “Evolutionary genomics in the Alpine and Holarctic Silene acaulis species complex”.
It will take place in the Lecture Room 421 at Hellbrunnerstraße 34 at 2.45pm. The Department of Biosciences cordially invites all listeners!

Published on 01 March 2019
Bild Newsmeldung Takashi

14.03. – Gastvortrag (Billroth-Colloquium): 3D structural analysis of cilia by cryo-electron microscopy

On the 14th of March 2019, Prof. Takashi Ishikawa will hold a guest lecture on “3D structural analysis of cilia by cryo-electron microscopy”. It will take place in the seminar room 103, 1st floor, Billrothstrasse 11 at 12.30 pm.
The department of Biosciences cordially invites all listeners!

Published on 28 February 2019
Fotonachweis: Kolarik

University of Salzburg: Sub-Auspiciis Promotionen and Ehrendoktorat for Emanuel Tov

On Tuesday, 29 January, 2019, Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen conferred doctorates on the Salzburger Christof Kauba and Markus Hittmeir from Vöcklabruck (Upper Austria). In addition, the University of Salzburg awarded the Jewish biblical scholar Emanuel Tov an Eherendoktorat of the Faculty of Catholic Theology.

Published on 25 February 2019