INFO WEBINAR: Double Degree Rome June 23rd
We are very happy to announce that on Wednesday, June 23rd at 3:00 pm, an info webinar (ZOOM) on the Double Degree in Rome will take place.
Announcement of Production Archives: A new open-access special collection from the Open Library of Humanities!
We are proud to announce the launch of Production Archives, an exciting, cutting-edge special collection published by a world-leading open-access publisher, the Open Library of Humanities. Production Archives breaks new ground through its innovative transdisciplinary approach to cultural productions and their archives. Through first-rate scholarship by leading cultural critics, practitioners and archivists, the collection refocuses the critical lens to consider not only the audience-facing ‘auteurs’ and ‘on-stage’ end-products of cultural practice, but also the material processes, collaborative labours and economic contexts of culture’s production and archiving.
Fair&Creative CoworkingSalzburg – wie kreativ sind EIN-PERSONEN-UNTERNEHMEN
22. Juni 2021, CoworkingSalzburg: Seit mehreren Jahren gehört der von Romy Sigl betriebene Ort zu den auffälligsten CoworkingSpaces – über die Stadt Salzburg hinaus. Was macht einen funktionierenden und erfolgreichen CoworkingSpace aus? Was treibt junge Kreative und EPU an, die an diesem Ort selbständig und gemeinsam arbeiten?