
Christian Faltus

Publication of the Month October

We proudly announce the Awardee of the Publication of the Month October: Christian FALTUS

Published on 02 November 2022
CIVIS 2022

2nd edition – European Student Assembly

Apply by 4th December 2022: Once again, CIVIS students have the opportunity to participate in the European Student Assembly organized in the framework of the Conference for the Future of Europe. 2023’s edition includes remote work from March to May 2022, then 3 days event in Strasbourg from 31st May to 2nd June.

Published on 02 November 2022
Musik und Medizin

Gary Ansdell: Who Cares for Music?

24 November 2022 | online: Observations from an Ethnographic Study of Music Therapy for People Nearing the End of Life in Care Homes – This talk will report on emerging results from a major UK Arts and Humanities Research Council funded project called Care for Music: an ethnography of muisic in late life and end of life settings – a collaboration between Exeter University UK and the Grieg Academy, University of Bergen, Norway.

Published on 31 October 2022