From Perception to Pleasure: The Neuroscience of Music and why we Love it
25th November 2021: In this lecture Robert J. Zatorre (McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, CA) will present findings from cognitive neuroscience that bear on the question of how we get from perception of sound patterns to pleasurable responses. He will first discuss evidence that corticocortical loops from and to the auditory cortex are responsible not only for perceptual processes but also for working memory, sensory-motor, and predictive functions that are essential to produce and perceive music.
COVID situation
Until further notice, the language courses will continue to take place in a weekly alternation between face-to-face and online classes. At the university, the 2.5 G rule (vaccination, recovery or PCR test) applies.
Current COVID measures
Rector Hendrik Lehnert informs on behalf of the Rectorate of the University of Salzburg together with the chair team of the ÖH University of Salzburg, Laura Reppmann, Lara Simonitsch and Manuel Gruber, about the current COVID situation in Salzburg and the next steps at PLUS.