
Programm Wi SE 2019 Geschichte im Gespräch

3.12.: History in Conversation

3 December, 2019, 15:00 – 17:00, HS 380 – “Was heißt historisches Lernen am Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts? Zur Relevanz historischer Werturteilsbildung.”

Published on 16 December 2019

Graduation and Doctoral Thesis Celebration on 27 November, 2019

On Wednesday, the 27th of November, 2019, the University of Salzburg warmly congratulated 56 graduates who celebrated their graduations and/or completions of doctoral theses.

Published on 16 December 2019

25.02.-26.02.2020: Public – Religion & Space

The conference Public: Religion & Space will take place on February 25th and 26th 2020.
On the conference, both for theoretical foundations and well as practical examples will be discussed. How does religion reflect itself in public space? Are there comparable or different forms of modern religious space production in urban space and in nature?

Published on 11 December 2019