
Publication of the month January (2018)

We proudly announce the Awardee of the Publication of the Month January (2018): Michael GRUBER

Published on 01 February 2018
Preiszeremonie an der Universität Tours

“Promotion Prize Award” the E. K. Frey – E. Werle Foundation of the Henning L. Voigt Family and the Henner Graeff Foundation for Dr. Peter Göttig.

At the beginning of December, prize money of over € 3,000 was presented to Dr. Göttig, to whom the Promotion Prize Award was endowed. The prize was awarded for many years of successful research in the field of medically and biochemically important tissue kallikreins (KLK proteases) in humans.

Published on 26 January 2018
Foto: Kolarik

Award Winning Research – Early Foreign Language Teaching Is No Guarantee for Later Learning Success.

English Studies Professor, Simone Pfenninger, from the University of Salzburg has shown in her long-term study that early foreign language teaching – as it is currently being carried out in Europe – brings little benefit. Pfenninger has now been awarded the renowned prize of the Conrad Ferdinand Meyer Foundation for her research on the role of age in learning a foreign language. The ceremony will take place on 19 January, 2018, in Zurich. The award amount is CHF 20,000.

Published on 26 January 2018