
Isabel Hoppe

Publication of the Month August

We proudly announce the Awardee of the Publication of the Month August: Isabel HOPPE

Published on 01 September 2022
Edmundsburg, Salzburg

European Seminar on Bayesian Econometrics (ESOBE) in Salzburg

8 and 9 September 2022 | in presence: The Department of Economics, jointly with the Austrian Economic Association, will host the 12th European Seminar on Bayesian Econometrics (ESOBE) on September 8 and 9. The workshop brings together researchers in Bayesian econometrics and statistics and features a one-day lecture on „Large Bayesian Vector Autoregressions“ by Joshua Chan (Purdue University) on September 7.

Published on 31 August 2022
GW Fakultät | Rudolfskai 42

Faculty of Social Sciences

As of January 2022, the Paris Lodron University Salzburg (PLUS) has six faculties. This academic structural reform also saw the emergence of two independent faculties from the former Faculty of Cultural and Social Sciences: The Faculty of Social Sciences and the Faculty of Humanities.

Published on 30 August 2022