
Franz Dollinger

9 March, Lecture: Everything would be better without regional planning legislation! Will the ROG Amendment 2017 solve the building land paradox?

Geographical Colloquium: Lecture by Priv. Doz. Dr. Franz Dollinger, Land Salzburg – Spatial planning, Thursday, 9 March, 2017, at 17:00, HS 436, Faculty of Natural Sciences.

Published on 13 March 2017
Bild Ente oder Kaninchen (Jastrow)

From 9 March: Lecture Series “Paradigmen – Brüche – turns. Geschichte, Gegenwart und Zukunft der Linguistik”

Lecture series on revolutionary innovations and paradigm shift in linguistics. Wednesdays, 1800 -19:30.

Published on 13 March 2017
Fotocredits: Max Kovalenko

8 March: Lecture, “Remember” – Nicht-Orte in Zweigs “Schachnovelle”

A lecture with Univ.-Prof. Dr. Juliana P. Perez, University of Sao Paolo at the Pedagogical College at Akademiestraße, 18:00.

Published on 13 March 2017