
Onur Bakis

17 March: Guest Lecture, “Professional Field Art and Culture”

Organization & Moderation: Siglinde Lang. In this series of guest lectures, cultural workers, cultural mediators and curators provide practical insights into the diverse professional field of “Art & Culture”.

Published on 23 March 2017
Universität Salzburg

16 March: Lecture Series “Digital Society: Current Challenges in Networked Everyday Worlds”

On Thursday, 16 March, at 17:30, the lecture series of the Department of Communication Science and the Center for ICT&S continues with a lecture by Thomas Steinmaurer and Corinna Peil (Communication Science) on “Mobile Communication and Effective Digital Networking”. Location: Hörsaal 381, Rudolfskai 42.

Published on 23 March 2017
Foto: Ute Brandhuber-Schmelzinger

Wednesday, 15 March: Lecture, “Financing and Organizing Art and Cultural Projects”

Organization and presentation: Anita Moser, Elke Zobl. Within the context of the course “From Idea to Project Application: Writing Workshop for Art and Cultural Projects” (Anita Moser), as well as “Financing Cultural Projects” (Elke Zobl, Department of Communication Science), experts are invited to convey their knowledge on the topic.

Published on 23 March 2017