
Foto: Videoausschnitt

Video Clip of the Forensic Neuropsychology of the University of Salzburg

Never before have so many forensic patients been accommodated in Austria as of the effective date of 1st October 2020. Relief from the enforcement of the measures and also the treatment of seriously abnormal lawbreakers, is urgently required and unavoidable.

Published on 16 December 2020
Chinesin mit Drache

Xenophobia – The New Fear of the East

The Chinese Studies Center is organizing an online symposium on this topic on the 12th and 13th November 2020. People with visible Asian origins are being exposed to increased discrimination in Europe and the USA – especially since COVID19. But what is behind this fear and how can this form of racism be combated effectively?

Published on 16 December 2020

SALZBURG LEGAL SOCIETY November 2020 (updated)

On 19.11.2020, 18.30- 20:00, Eleonora Hübner will speak about “Lies having many leg: the fine line between truth” in lecture theatre 206 of the Law Faculty of the PLUS University of Salzburg, Churfürststraße 1 (Entrance signposted) ___//___ ***PLEASE NOTE LECTURE THEATRE IN THE WINTER SEMESTER = ALWAYS HS 206 !*** ___ // ___ Due to the limited number of places please register by email( see below) ___//___ Depending on the Covid19-situation this may be subject to change.

Published on 16 December 2020